Basic Dog Training Commands

Most dog owners will agree that it is important to start basic dog training commands to a new dog or puppy as soon as you bring it home or at around nine weeks of age.

This activity could be a great way for you to bond with your pet as well as to teach him obedience and good behavior. 

Giving of rewards, treats and lots of praises will surely make your puppy eager to please you. It is also suggested that you train your dog before meals so that they will associate mealtime as a reward for the training.

So, what are the two types of basic dog training commands that you can use on your pet? It is behavioral training and obedience training.

Behavioral Training

dog training 1Behavioral training deals with preventing and or correcting bad habits that your dog has developed or may develop in the future. This could include chasing cars, climbing on furniture and chewing.

With behavioral training, it is important to be consistent all the time to avoid confusion in your pet’s part.

Example, don’t allow your pet to chew on your slippers or shoes if you don’t want them to continue doing so when they are fully grown. Also, many pet owners think it’s okay to for their puppy to climb up their coach but not when they are already older.

This could create problems later on.

Obedience Training

Obedience training, on the other hand, is training your dog to follow or obey certain commands like sit, stay, come and heel.

He should wear a leash and a collar and should be trained on short frequent sessions to prevent him from getting bored. Ten to fifteen minute sessions, which are repeated two to three times a day, would be a good way to start the training.

Dogs trained for 20 minutes each day will be able to follow simple basic dog training commands after two to three months of training.

Here are some easy and basic dog training commands that you can try on your new pet.

basic dog training commands

Sit. First place a leash and collar on your dog. Say the command “SIT” in a firm voice. Pull up the leash with one had while gently pushing his behind in a sitting position.

Once your dog is in the sitting position, praise him and give him a treat. Don’t allow your pet to jump and grab the reward from your hand. Once he does this, say “NO” firmly. Repeat this process over and over until your dog associates sitting with the reward.

Remember, if you get frustrated with your pet, stop for a while and try again the basic dog training commands later.

Stay and Come. Once your dog has learned how to sit, it is easier to teach him how to stay. Why? Because your dog will have an easier time “staying” when he is in a sitting position.

This time, you must have two rewards in your hand when you start teaching your dog to stay and come.

First, tell your dog to sit. Once he obeys your command, give him a reward. Next, hold your empty hand like a stop sign in front of your dog while slowly backing up. Say “STAY” clearly and firmly and continue to look at him. Walk a short distance and call him with a happy tone on your voice “COME”.

When he comes to you, give him the other reward and verbally praise him. If he runs to you without the “COME” command, say “NO” firmly and start all over again.

Start backing up a short distance from your dog until he understands what you want him to do. Then, back away a little farther until you have eventually walked out of his sight and make him stay until he hears the “COME” command.

You can also use other distractions like food or toys but your dog should continue to stay still even with the distractions around him. You can also teach come with a long leash. Just pull the leash gently but firmly if he doesn’t respond to your basic dog training commands.

Always be consistent and remember to stop when you get frustrated since your dog can sense what you feel.

Down. To teach your dog to lie down on basic dog training commands, you should ask him first to sit and be ready with a reward on your hand. Hold the reward up and bring it down to the floor, in front of your dog, and say “DOWN” firmly.

Give him the reward when he lies down to reach it. Repeat this again and again, in a consistent manner, until he understands the command. Do it in short frequent sessions.
basic dog training commands 1
It is important that each basic dog training commands session should include not only the new command, but the also the old commands that your dog has learned before.

Remember that positive reinforcement is what works best to make your dog enjoy his training and if he makes a mistake, don’t punish him.

Take breaks often, to avoid boredom and frustration, by playing a game with your dog or just to run around together.   

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